We carry out job evaluation and grading exercises to meet the specific needs of our clients. As a part of this exercise, individual jobs are analysed, job descriptions outlined and a salary structure is then prepared. If the exercise is to be undertaken using a committee, committee members are trained prior to the start of the exercise.
We offer services in this broad area of work that entails working with organisations to help them overcome a variety of problems resulting from changes in the business environment or arising out of internal changes. The activities undertaken as part of this process include: strategic planning, restructuring, introducing new work systems, setting new work standards, etc. The thrust of these activities is diagnostic and the recommendations made are dependent on the specific needs of the organization.
Business and Operational Reviews
Our business review activities focus on a review of organisation structure and internal operational arrangements. Such reviews often lead to down-sizing activities that are aimed at bringing changes in communication lines and a review of skills benchmarks. The benchmarks are then used to assess the suitability of individual employees and to identify those who are best suited for the positions that are available in the organisation. They may also be used to help identify training gaps. Operations are reviewed against the stipulated business goals/targets and changes are recommended. If required job descriptions are then prepared for all positions available in the new structure.
Staff training and development is an essential activity in any organisation. The rapidly changing environment in which we operate demands that organisations reassess their skills needs on a regular basis, assess their staff against these needs and draw up suitable training and development plans. Our role in this respect involves working in close collaboration with organisations to help them identify their training needs. A performance appraisal process together with a review of the operational plans normally precedes this process.
We are often called upon by our clients to develop or review their performance management systems. Such systems are useful in assessing the performance of individual employees, setting future goals, identifying career development needs and skills shortfalls, which are subsequently addressed through training. Once the system is developed, employees are then trained in using it. Managers and supervisors may also be given training/support in objective setting and in the identification of training needs.
We provide regular recruitment services to more than 40 clients. The services cover all areas of technical and management fields including finance, engineering, sales and marketing, general management, etc.
We use psychometric profiling regularly, to support our recruitment, training needs analysis and career development planning assignments.
Policies & Procedures Development
We work with you to develop policies, and procedures necessary to ensure adherence to these policies.
Organizations are becoming increasingly aware of the need to put in place proper succession planning programmes. The objective is to help ensure that the organization has the capacity to fill vacancies that arise from time to time, from within. The development of an effective succession planning programme calls for the development a clear effects organization structure which is then followed by a review of future business plans to establish staffing requirements, in terms of both skills and numbers. Individual employees are then assessed to determine their capacity to take on more responsible positions in the organization. Any skills gaps identified in the process that can be fixed through training are then embodied in the training plan.